Awnings, Aluminium Doors & Windows
Aluminium frame glass windows and doors are the very latest in design and modern glazing for both domestic and commercial settings. Aluminium can be custom made and finished in a variety of different ways. At Magic Glass we manufacture a wide range of aluminium doors and windows for both residential and commercial needs, supplying the most suitable products for your needs.
Magic Glass aluminium products are a fantastic option for both commercial as well as residential settings. All of our aluminium windows & doors are custom built on-site, allowing our customers to choose any style and configuration which best suits their needs. We ensure our aluminium windows & doors will exceed customer expectations.
Our team of experts will work closely with clients, designing and constructing what is most suitable for their lifestyle. We use window and door systems of the highest quality, offering a wide range of modern designs. We specialise in end to end production and installation of aluminium glass windows & doors for homes, business, and commercial premises across Sydney.
Magic Glass aluminium products are a fantastic option for both commercial as well as residential settings. All of our aluminium windows & doors are custom built on-site, allowing our customers to choose any style and configuration which best suits their needs. We ensure our aluminium windows & doors will exceed customer expectations.
Our team of experts will work closely with clients, designing and constructing what is most suitable for their lifestyle. We use window and door systems of the highest quality, offering a wide range of modern designs. We specialise in end to end production and installation of aluminium glass windows & doors for homes, business, and commercial premises across Sydney.

Sydney Swans Royal Hall of Industries
Magic Glass completed all glazing work for the Sydney Swan's new Royal Hall of Industries.
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Peakhurst Aged Care Facility
Complete glass fit-out of aged care facility in Peakhurst.
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Anglicare Minto Development
Construction of 220 retirement living units across 6 buildings, as well as a 100 bed aged care home.
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Rose Bay Residential Development
Glazing work for architecturally-designed residential development.
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Oaks Hyde Park
Fabrication and installation of glass doors, windows and curved panels for rooftop gym.
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