Aluminium Window & Aluminium Door Replacements
With an inhouse fabrication team and 30 years of supplier relationships, Magic Glass have the experience and reputation to assist in all Aluminium Window & Door replacements across NSW.
Our team and factory are set up to service both a single window replacement to an entire building upgrade, supplying windows and doors that have a higher window rating to suit the building and area’s needs.
Magic Glass can assist through the quoting and installation process to make sure we can customise to suit your needs. Our team of technicians and glazing experts have a vast amount of experience liaising with a range of clients to ensure that all replacement jobs run smoothly with results that exceed expectations. Our Projects Team will review your plans, consult with the owner/s and tenant/s of the premises to ensure the project meets safety, functionality and aesthetic requirements. The team at Magic Glass can help you through the design, estimating, product choice and installation process to ensure the best results for your space.
What sets us apart is being involved through all stages of the works from quoting, manufacturing and installing. With in-house glaziers & fabricators we are able to produce and install aluminium windows and doors for commercial and residential premises across NSW.
Our team and factory are set up to service both a single window replacement to an entire building upgrade, supplying windows and doors that have a higher window rating to suit the building and area’s needs.
Magic Glass can assist through the quoting and installation process to make sure we can customise to suit your needs. Our team of technicians and glazing experts have a vast amount of experience liaising with a range of clients to ensure that all replacement jobs run smoothly with results that exceed expectations. Our Projects Team will review your plans, consult with the owner/s and tenant/s of the premises to ensure the project meets safety, functionality and aesthetic requirements. The team at Magic Glass can help you through the design, estimating, product choice and installation process to ensure the best results for your space.
What sets us apart is being involved through all stages of the works from quoting, manufacturing and installing. With in-house glaziers & fabricators we are able to produce and install aluminium windows and doors for commercial and residential premises across NSW.

Pitt Street Storefront Replacement
Removal and replacement of damaged glass storefront in Sydney's CBD.
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Max Brenner Aluminium Windows & Doors
Custom design, fabrication and installation of aluminium framed glass windows and doors in Max Brenner, Alexandria.
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Bondi Awning Replacement
Replacement of broken damaged awning panel with custom-made toughened laminated glass panel.
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Hilton Hotel Mirror Replacement
Replacement of custom-made laminated mist glass with internal mirror.
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Erskineville Childcare Centre
Fabrication and installation of glass doors, windows, fixed panels and associated hardware.
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St Leonards Office Fit-Out
Installation of aluminium frames, glass partitions and glass doors in office space.
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