There are endless causes for broken windows, however it is important you get to the bottom of what caused your breakage as soon as you can. If it’s something obvious like a soccer ball to the window, it is not as worrisome. However, if it’s something like weather damage or a break-in, you should further investigate to make sure there is no damage to other parts of the building.
2. Block access to the affected area
Broken glass can pose a serious risk, so it is vital you evacuate others from the hazard site. Inform all nearby persons of the breakage, keep children away, and close any doors connected to the room where the damage occurred.
3. Contact Magic Glass
Empty window frames may lead to further complications such as theft, pest-infestations, and weather-related issues. To prevent such issues from arising, you should immediately contact us, and we will tend to the issue as soon as possible. You should also contact your insurance company to submit a claim and check if you are eligible for having the costs of the window replacement covered. If you suspect the breakage was caused by criminal activity such as theft or vandalism, you should also contact the police. Submit a report and begin the process of recovering any stolen belongings.
4. Clean the site
Once you have made all necessary calls, it’s time to commence the clean-up process. Before you begin, ensure you’re well-protected from potential injury. You should wear long pants, appropriate shoes and heavy-duty gloves.
Gather all the materials and equipment you will need for the clean-up before you commence. This will likely include garbage bags, a broom, a vacuum, and a fair amount of paper towel.
Once these items have been gathered, begin by wrapping the shards in paper towel and then placing them in a disposable garbage bag. Ensure you are picking up the glass with a gloved hand/s. If there is remaining glass in the frame, remove it and place it in the garbage bag if it is loose, otherwise leave it in place and cover it with a cloth so your technician can safely remove it later.
Sweep up the smaller shards of glass with a broom and place them into the garbage bag with the rest of the glass.
Finally, go over the area with a vacuum to remove any remaining, smaller shards and wipe surfaces with a damp paper towel to remove excess glass particles.
5. Apply a temporary window covering
Whilst you wait for your Magic Glass Technician to arrive, you should cover up the window opening to prevent rain, pests and potential intruders from getting in. Tarp, plastic sheeting or even a heavy-duty garbage bag should do the job.
Dealing with broken glass is never easy. Luckily, Magic Glass is here to assist 24/7. Contact us today for prompt glass replacements and make-safe services.