Unfortunately not all companies that boast exemplary service will complete the job as promised so there are a number of other things that are worth considering when looking for quotes:
- How long the company has been in business: Many companies start up and then quickly fail due to mismanagement as well as poor workmanship. Hiring a company that is new can be risky because if there are problems in the future and the company has folded, there is nothing that you can do.
- Type of business: It is not that common today to still find a company that is family run. Throughout history a strong family has always been successful and when it comes to pride of workmanship, business ethics and reliability companies that are run by the family tend to trump those that are not.
- Testimonials and referrals: Most companies will have testimonials and referrals from people. Only look for a company that can actually provide real testimonials.
- Government regulations and certification: Any trade in Australia will need to provide certain certificates when completing work and only up to date, qualified professionals that adhere to the latest government regulations will be able to provide these.
It can be rather daunting when looking for a replacement glass quote and trying to weed out the good from the bad if you take into account the above criteria. Fortunately, if you are here looking for a quote, Magic Glass ticks every box, and offers 24/7 emergency service if you need one.
Magic Glass have been servicing residential, commercial and industrial clients for over 20 years and have testimonials, government certificates and everything else needed to ensure that your glass replacements are fitted professionally and to the highest specifications. For a professional service for all glass solutions call 18 000 GLASS for bookings and a complimentary quote.