Glass office partitions have become an increasingly popular feature of most modern offices today. Bringing in more light not only reduces the need for lighting, but open plan offices can increase motivation, innovation, and collaboration. Many older office buildings have physical concrete or studded plasterboard walls, but the modern glass office partitions have incredible benefits.
The main reasons for this trend are aesthetics, costs and work environment. Let’s look at each factor individually:
Aesthetics: Walking into an office that has solid walls can feel very restrictive. When an office has glass partitions it does not only give a modern feel but is more pleasing to be in when you can see and interact with colleagues. Glass office partitions can also give prospective clients the impression of openness and accessibility, making them feel more relaxed and easier to discuss business with.
Costs: Ultimately at some stage during business growth, offices will have to be rearranged to accommodate the changes that are happening. This is a costly and disruptive venture. Glass office partitions however are very simple to install and remove (with the right team of experts). Furthermore, existing panels from the glass office partitions can be relocated to wherever desired and more can be added if needed.
Depending on the type of glass office partitions that are installed they can also cause a reduction in energy bills if double or triple glazing is used. Moreover, glass office partitions allow more natural light into a building, reducing the need for artificial light.
Work environment: Glass office partitions provide the privacy of an office space while also creating a happier and more productive workforce. Communication and teamwork will undoubtedly be improved. For moments when total privacy is needed simple Venetian blinds over the glass office partitions can be used when holding a meeting or conference and then opened again when finished.

Due to government regulations laminated glass has to be used by law when installing glass office partitions and they need to be fixed according to certain specifications that only certified companies like Magic Glass guarantee. It is essential to ensure that your installers are government certified before commencing any work.
If you are renovating or outfitting an office from scratch do not go to a construction company for glass partitions. They will use glass from companies like Magic Glass, adding a profit margin and only increasing the cost of your quote. Cut out the middleman and contact us directly. Magic Glass have been providing service to residential, commercial and industrial clients for over 20 years at a cheaper cost.
What are you waiting for? For affordable commercial glass office partitions, call 18000 GLASS, and experience a new level of class with Magic Glass!