Rust Removal
Rust damage can have serious implications for long-term building integrity, causing ongoing maintenance costs. At any one-time, concrete cracks can cause loose, damaged pieces to fall from buildings, creating real safety risks.
Rust corrosion affects all reinforced concrete buildings and structures. Active corrosion typically takes 5-15 years before cracks in the concrete begin to appear. These concrete spalls are signs that the steel has started to corrode.
If unattended, rust damage can lead to serious implications for your building. This could mean demolition to part of, or the entire building.
Rust corrosion affects all reinforced concrete buildings and structures. Active corrosion typically takes 5-15 years before cracks in the concrete begin to appear. These concrete spalls are signs that the steel has started to corrode.
If unattended, rust damage can lead to serious implications for your building. This could mean demolition to part of, or the entire building.

Homebush Height Safety Installation and Certification
Anchor point installation, testing and certification on high-rise building in Homebush.
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Sydney Olympic Park Facade Cleaning
High-rise maintenance on a residential property via the use of rope access.
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Hyde Park High-Rise Facade Maintenance
High-rise window cleaning using rope access techniques.
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Wolli Creek High-Rise Cleaning
High-rise window cleaning using rope access techniques.
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Mascot High Rise Window Cleaning
High-rise window cleaning using rope access techniques.
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Macquarie Park High-Rise Maintenance
Removal and replacement of a high-rise damaged glass panel.
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